Personalized weight loss without the typical diet.
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Client Transformations

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Our clients get real, sustainable results.

We’ll help you stop comparing yourself so that you can focus on becoming the best YOU! Aren’t you excited to see what that looks like!?


“I decided to sign up with Elite Holistic Group because I’ve been fighting to lose weight for many years and I needed some help. I also was tired of looking at myself in the mirror. Being in this program helped me to cook more, eat out less, eat healthier, gain confidence in myself, look and feel better. My coach is so amazing! She’s there for you anytime you need her. She’s very helpful and knowledgeable. I would recommend Elite Holistic Group to someone who not only wants to lose weight, but also wants to live a healthier life.”

”Since I’ve been involved in this program, I’ve lost 17 lbs. I feel better, have more energy, my skin is glowing and I sleep better at night!”


“I signed up with Elite Holistic Group to reset my mind, body, and bring up my spirit. I have found a better way of eating and exercising that does not impede my daily life and does not leave me exhausted. I’ve tried every fad diet out there, and I just couldn’t follow it for more than a month. If I even made it to a month, I was always too hungry and exhausted. This program got me back on track when it comes to being active again. I had mold poisoning and was hospitalized many times and after a couple surgery’s and lots of meds I’m finally getting over it, but from months of inactivity and eating bad/taking steroids I gained a lot of weight. The program helped me get on top of my eating and pushed me to get back to the NCAA athlete that I am. This program actually works, and they are very good at holding you accountable. You can either spend money on medical bills when you're older and unhealthy, or you can spend some now to save your life and pockets later!”

”I lost 10 pounds in 4 weeks through the program and I noticed I slept better and was more energetic.”


“What I love about the program is that it works, and it’s for REAL people! I am a mother of 3, I work full-time and I am in college. If I can do it, anyone can. I have tried many other options, but this is the most sustainable. I love what I'm eating! It’s easy and not expensive. Once I reach my goal, I will be taught how to maintain it, and that is certainly lacking in other programs. Why choose Elite and what makes it different from other diet plans?" It’s not a diet. It’s a lifestyle change. Porsha makes it fit into your current lifestyle and that is what makes it work and makes it sustainable!”

”I’ve gone down 3 dress sizes and lost over 16 lbs with minimal exercise (due to my hectic schedule). I haven't fully reached my goals yet, but am so close buttoning a pair of my favorite going out shorts I haven't worn in 5 years!”


“As an ER nurse for 25 years, I truly know what to do to promote my own health, but the nurturer in me makes excuses that I have to take care of others first. Porsha steps up to remind me that I come first and gives me daily feedback, support and individualizes MY needs.”

”I lost 3 inches off of my hips in 30 days and at no time felt deprived or hungry.”


“Beginning a lifestyle change program can certainly seem overwhelming and uncomfortable. Working with Porsha has eased these insecurities and has provided me with a safe and comfortable arena to begin my weight loss journey and lifestyle change. I would recommend her program to anyone who is ready to take the steps to change their life and take back their health. Her program is organized and supportive and most important to me helped keep me accountable! I am truly grateful for all the knowledge she provided me and look forward to the continued progress in the future.”

Results: “I lost 19lbs, 4.5 inches from my waist, and 3 inches from my hips in 2 months with Elite Holistic Group!”


“I remember the feeling of hopelessness and feeling like my body hated me. I have always struggled with my self-image, and when I was in college, I was diagnosed with PCOS. I was afraid to try something new, but I was also desperate for help. The thing that made me feel so ready to jump in and try this program was that my new health coach took everything about me into consideration. My first week I went all in without hesitation because I felt prepared. I started to notice the results almost immediately. By the third day I was already feeling like I had more energy, and I could feel my body changing. I lost 8lbs the first week and a half on the program, but that was not the best part. I was finally getting back the energy I needed to be a great mom and keep up with my four children.”

”I've lost 34lbs and gone from a size 20/22 to a size 14. You will not regret signing up with Elite Holistic Group. I have learned how to change my life, not how to diet!"


“I decided to join Elite Holistic group in October 2020 when I hit my first plateau after losing 50lbs from having my fourth child in July 2019. I was a work out beast but I needed help to work on my nutrition. Porsha helped me develop successful tips to not only break a plateau but to help me maintain excess fat loss! She helped me break through frustration and showed me patience when I was struggling at times. I’m not finished yet, I still have 30lbs to go, but the difference between other programs and what Porsha has to offer through Elite is her expert guidance and her making you feel confident in your own skin. She’s been there herself and she is real! No sugar coating in this program! Her program is definitely worth every penny!”

Results: “Because of her guidance through the group, I’ve gained better sleep patterns, healthier eating options and friendships with others that are struggling just like me!”


“My decision to sign up with Elite Holistic Group was based on a personal need for a change in lifestyle. With a family history of diabetes, Elite Holistic Group has given me a way out of that cycle. This program makes it easy to accomplish your lifestyle goals and builds self confidence! To anyone trying to make a decision, put yourself first and join! You can work at a manageable pace, and see significant results.”

Results: “After three months of being in the program, I lost 20lbs. As a result of this weight loss, I am naturally energized!”


I decided to sign up with Elite Holistic Group because I witnessed the overwhelming support and success my wife was having along with her amazing progress. I decided that was the support I’ve been looking for in many programs before. This was the best decision of my health journey.

This program has taught me self-control. It also taught me how to still treat myself and still enjoy food, but just in a healthy manner. This Program has made me better at my job as a Fire Lieutenant with more endurance, strength, and energy.

This program is different from the others because it is made for me with a plan that fits me not me trying to fit in a plan. It is made with real food and allows you to feel full, and it does not make you crave food, due to you still getting eat real food just the healthy version of it. The program also gives you flexibility if you’re eating in or eating out to still stay on program.

If someone was on the fence about this. I would say that was me, but I took a leap of faith, and it has been the best life choice, I’ve made with tons of rewards. We only get one life/ body you got to take care of it. Most importantly you must live life to the fullest.

Results: “The results I’ve seen are nothing short of amazing I started at 268 lbs. In the matter of 3 months, I’m down to 241 lbs. And still going along with dropping a shirt and pants size!”


Need more info before deciding? Read our Frequently Asked Questions

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