Personalized weight loss without the typical diet.

Frequently Asked Questions

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What makes this program different from other weight loss programs?

This program is not your average one-size-fits-all deprivation diet plan.

I create personalized blueprints for professional, busy clients who have “tried everything”. I will teach you how to make healthy food taste delicious, how to eat out, how to fit exercise into your busy lifestyle, and how to make sustainable lifestyle changes. I make frequent “tweaks” to your individualized plan so that you continue to achieve the results you want over time. Most importantly you will have support and guidance from me- a physician and health coach who has “figured it out”.

What results can I expect to see?

what you put in is what you get out of it.

Results vary depending on the individual, although there is a direct correlation between the results achieved and level of effort/commitment to the program. My clients are extremely happy with their results, and they’re typically amazed by the amount of food they can eat and lack of overall deprivation and cravings. I have helped clients lose 15-50 lbs in a 12 week period.

Should I choose one-on-one coaching or the group coaching option?

the main difference is accountability.

Typically, people who invest in my one-on-one program achieve the very best results because they have much more accountability built in. With the one-on-one program I provide daily access via text if you have any questions or additional guidance. Also, we’ll have bi-weekly one-on-one check-ins. 

The group plan is a great program for those who don’t need as much accountability and thrive in a group setting. We’ll have monthly one-on-one check-ins. They are both excellent programs that will help you achieve your goals! If you need more help deciding which program to choose I can make recommendations during our initial consultation.

Do you offer payment plans?

I Sure do!

My goal is to help as many people as possible, and many clients find payment plans very useful.

Do I have to follow a meal plan?

absolutely not.

I actually don’t make cookie cutter meal plans. I will teach you how to choose the foods that will make you feel great and help you reach your goals. With this method, my clients feel empowered to make healthy choices when they’re faced with real life situations like parties, birthdays, or traveling. I do provide meal ideas initially, so don’t worry you never be alone!

Do I have to join a gym or purchase home workout equipment?

no fancy memberships required.

I will create a workout plan for you based on whatever you have available. You can exercise at the gym or at home. The choice is yours!

Do I have to give up all my favorite foods?

I will teach you how to eat to achieve your goals.

You may have to temporarily give up some of your favorite foods in order to get the results you want, but I make sure to include some of your favorites when I provide meal ideas. I’ll also teach you how to make healthy eating taste delicious, and I’m a master at providing healthier alternatives to help with cravings. P.S. don’t forget to sign up for your free healthy cravings swap guide!

Do I have to purchase supplements?

it’s up to you.

I do provide suggestions for supplements that may help you reach your goals, but they are certainly not mandatory. Also, I do not sell supplements or receive any compensation for the products I recommend.

Are the people in the photos real clients?

hell yeah they are!

I wanted to feature these wonderful women who are at different stages of their journey. I also wanted them to celebrate how far they’ve come and see themselves the way I see them… beautiful! I carefully select my clients because I believe in fostering a positive, supportive environment. Once you sign up, you’ll be a part of our wonderful family!

Will you be my personal physician?

i don’t replace your doctor.

I’m an Emergency Medicine Physician and Health Coach, but I am not a Primary Care Physician. If you decide to participate in the program, I will be acting solely as your Health Coach. You will need to consult your physician prior to starting the program.

I want to sign up to work with you! What’s next?

Let’s get going!

Congratulations on making the decision to take control of your health and finally get some real results!

  1. Click the “Work With Me” button at the top right of the page.

  2. Complete the form to apply to work with me

  3. I will be in touch so we can set up our initial consultation

  4. Consultation: This will be your opportunity to learn more about the program. During our call, I will determine if we’re a good fit for each other. If so, I will recommend my one-on-on program or my group coaching program. 

  5. You will receive a welcome letter, invoice and instructions on how to proceed.

  6. Once I receive the paid invoice (or initial payment if you choose the payment plan option. I will send you my “Elite Holistic Health Questionnaire”.

  7. I will create your personalized plan within 3-5 business days of receiving the questionnaire.

  8. We will schedule your first one-on-one session to discuss your new plan. During this call, you’ll have the opportunity to ask questions, and we can make any necessary tweaks.

  9. Get ready to change your life!


More questions? I’m happy to answer them for you.

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